The Fault in Our Stars Update

So remember a few weeks ago when I raved about The Fault in Our Stars and vowed to go see the movie as soon as my friend finished the book. Well she did and we finally went to go see it…and it was FABULOUS! I had heard from friends who saw the movie before me that all they could hear in the theater was sniffles. Even the fathers who were stuck on chaperone duty teared up. So of course I went to the movies with the mindset that I would probably be bawling. Luckily, we went to see the movie in the middle of the day and the theater was empty so no one could see me cry. No literally empty!

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I’m glad it was empty though cause it allowed us to laugh out loud and openly bawl when appropriate. Now movie versions of books are rarely exactly like the book because as you read you form your own ideas of how the characters and settings look and how a scene should play out, even how characters voices should sound. While this movie wasn’t exactly like the book it came pretty dang close! Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort played the roles of Hazel and Gus so honestly that it didn’t feel like they were playing a role. It felt like they were really the characters.

It was a surprisingly uplifting movie for such a heavy subject, and I loved every bit of it.  If you haven’t been able to go see it, I suggest you go now. Literally, right now. Stop reading and go watch this movie!

Don’t forget to live a little…


Pins of the Week…

I’ve caught a bad case of wanderlust, but these pins help a little.



Monet’s House in Giverny, France…just look at those tulips.


Lake Braies, Italy…imagine relaxing on that deck with that view! *le sigh*


An underground pool and waterfall in Chichen Itza, Mexico.


I’ve been wanting to go to Greece forever! Pins like this make me want to go right now.


Magical Bridges Park, Ireland. Tell me this isn’t the most magical place you’ve ever seen.

Now to look up some cute passport covers!

Don’t forget to live a little…
